Use TheyWorkForYou to See a list of every MP in Parliament

Lists of all current and past MPs, including dates and positions

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Lists of all current and past MPs, including dates and positions

See a list of current MPs here Or visit our APIs page for past MPs and more in-depth analysis

Every MP currently in Parliament

See a list of all MPs: click on any name to see what they’ve been up to recently in Parliament.

See what they’ve said and how they’ve voted

Every MP has their own page on TheyWorkForYou, so you can see their data at a glance.

Open Source Parliamentary data

Need something more in-depth? Perhaps MPs’ positions, dates and activity? It’s all available through our APIs.

Find out more about TheyWorkForYou

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What our users think

It just works, and it's awesome. Clear, readable, relevant.
I think it’s a really great tool. I will be making my colleagues and friends aware of your existence and encouraging them to use the site.
I love the website, it’s an absolutely invaluable public service.
May I compliment you on your very clear and simple site!