Your MP represents you. Shouldn’t you know how they voted?
We’ve analysed every vote since the 2010 election, so you can see how your MP affected legislation on key issues such as welfare, defence, taxes and health.
The topics that matter to you
Check your MP’s stance on the bedroom tax, Trident, welfare benefits, immigration, gay rights and a host of other key issues.
Compiled by hand
We know our records are accurate, because we’ve analysed every vote since 2010 by hand. Click the ‘source’ button beside each topic to see which votes counted towards it.
Want to tell your MP how you feel?
Just click the ‘send a message’ button to tell them your feelings about their voting record.
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It just works, and it's awesome. Clear, readable, relevant.
I think it’s a really great tool. I will be making my colleagues and friends aware of your existence and encouraging them to use the site.
I love the website, it’s an absolutely invaluable public service.
May I compliment you on your very clear and simple site!