The Impacts of Civic Technology Conference 2015

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This page is for TICTeC 2015. Find out about the next TICTeC

Below are resources from the 2015 conference. You may also like to join the TICTeC Google Group to carry on the discussions started during the conference, to network with other delegates, and to share your research experiences.


Understanding Impact: the mySociety agenda

Introduction to the day by Dr Rebecca Rumbul, Head of Research at mySociety.

Opportunity and Threat

Leah Rosenzweig and Jessica Musila on Mzalendo. With accompanying slides

Ask Everybody

Delegates put their questions to the whole conference.


Speakers’ slides

Nick Taylor

The Viewpoint Project: Engaging a Disenfranchised Community with Street Tech

Jonathan Bright

The sociodynamics of online political behaviour: the case of

Sean McDonald

The Politics of Civic Tech Platforms

Luke Bacon

Approaching research as a small team of developers

Kerry Brennan

Lessons from Mexico: What Works in Public Sector Innovative and Civic Technology

Catherine Bracey

Code for All: Comparative Models Across Borders

Loren Treisman

What counts as civic tech success for Africa? A donor’s perspective

Martin Szyszlican

Congreso Interactivo, Elegilegi and DEMOS

Jonathan Mellon

The haves and the have nots: is civic tech impacting the people who need it most?

Blair Glencorse

It’s there for you now use it: Making sure young people see the point of civic tech

Sandy Schumann

Mapping Slacktivism: Patterns of low-threshold civic participation on the internet

Nanjira Sambuli

ICT and Governance in East Africa: Preliminary Study Findings from Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania

Gail Ramster

Building a national toilet map for the public’s convenience



See photos on Flickr

Agenda and attendees

Attendees’ blog posts

Seen any more? Let us know.

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