TheyWorkForYou can be useful for you as well as for your constituents.

You can also have some input into the information we display and the developments we make in the future.

  • Use it as a resource When looking up past contributions to debates — whether that be their own or someone else’s — many MPs (and their researchers) use TheyWorkForYou because it’s so simple to locate speeches, debates, etc. We know this in part because they tell us directly, and also because we can see from our analytics that many of our users have a Parliament IP address.
  • Find statistics TheyWorkForYou publishes data such as how many times each MP has spoken in Parliament, how many votes they have taken part in, and how many Written Answers they’ve received.
  • Use it as a feed Many MPs use the TheyWorkForYou API (a way of pulling data from a website) so that their contributions to debates are automatically published out on their site or Twitter stream. If you need help in doing this, drop us a line and we can show you how.
  • Tell us when something’s wrong Let us know if you see an error (but bear in mind that because most content is taken from Parliament’s own feeds, any mistake in this source data will be reflected on TheyWorkForYou, and corrected soon after Parliament corrects their version — so it pays to check Parliament’s output first).
  • Understand how we compile our data A quick read through the site’s FAQs will answer most questions that you may have; and the rest should be answered by our blog posts on how voting lines are decided (more here), how to set up email alerts and how to maintain them.
  • Contribute a photo if we don’t have your image on the site, or you don’t like the one we’re using, feel free to send us an image. Inclusion of any image on TheyWorkForYou implies that it has been released by its owner under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license, which means that anyone is free to copy and use the image themselves, with attribution.
  • Share your thoughts and ideas We’re always open to suggestions for features: just drop a line to