Our current strategy for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion sets out mySociety’s objectives and high-level actions to the end of 2024. It does not represent the totality of our ambition, but lays out where we need to get to to enable further progress to be realised. At its heart is our mission to create a fairer society through a repowering of democracy which puts more power in more people’s hands.
Here are our EDI objectives.
Governance, leadership and people
- A diverse board of trustees
- A diverse staff team
- An inclusive and equitable organisational culture where minoritised staff are supported, heard and valued
- A deeper whole-organisation understanding of anti-racist and anti-oppressive practice
- Increased engagement with, and learning from, diverse civic tech and civic society actors
- A significant contribution by mySociety towards fostering the diversity of the wider civic tech sector
- The embedding of EDI objectives into our work streams
- A commitment to our projects and services supporting the pursuit of equity for minoritised groups, and being accessible and inclusive – designed with, and used by, diverse communities
Research and TICTeC
- A more diverse, inclusive and accessible TICTeC, in terms of both its programming and participation
- Research and policy work that contributes to furthering equity, diversity and inclusion within civic tech and society generally
- Our business and funder relationships align with and further our EDI objectives
- Our communications are inclusive and accessible, and reach diverse audiences
- Our procurement supports our EDI objectives
Our policies are a work in progress
As with all mySociety’s policies, this is just the beginning. We’re keen to learn more, to implement better strategies, to keep improving on every aspect of EDI. As we become a more diverse and inclusive organisation, of course, we’ll have more voices telling us how to improve from within – but we’re equally keen to learn from others, too.
If you can help, by example or through ideas, please let us know.
Last update: May 2022
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