1. Working Children Radio Workshop

    Describe your idea:

    We are working for working childrens in Pakistans Remote Area District Tharparkar Sindh
    We have a Idea that If we go in the area and arrange Radio Workshops with working childrens that what kind of difficulties the are facing and what should be solution of there problem and there vice may go to the authorties and my be they take some serious action regarding Working childrens and their education and health the chioce of taking radio media for this is because of in this area the electricity is in few towns and villages the only way of communication is radio

    What problem does it solve?:

    child will get voice and goverment agencies will serious action against the Child Labor

    Type of idea: A brand new project

  2. ican2010.co.uk

    Describe your idea:

    Base-camp for independent candidates in 2010. Guide on how to stand and win.

    Check out local independent candidate; volunteer to help; make donations to ican2010.

    (A million fivers is really buying in to democracy.)

    Links to other My Society projects. Guidance on dialogue with electorate via YouTube, Facebook, Twitter etc. Tips on managing the media, marshalling volunteers and canvassing.

    But who’ll see it? Web-watchers?

    No, millions.

    This is big news. Articles > hits. Viral > hits. Hits > donations. Donations > advertising. Advertising > more hits. ican2010 = the hub of a peaceful democratic revolution.

    Our forebears bled to earn the democratic machinery at our disposal.

    Let’s use it.

    What problem does it solve?:

    The party had its use. Now it’s hijacking democracy. The whip keeps MPs on message but out of touch with you&me.

    Haven’t you had a bellyful of this cosy cartel where the only distinction is the colour of the rosette? ican2010 offers a channel for public passion.

    ican2010 reconditions our democracy by empowering free-thinking individuals loyal to country not party. Not careerists, activists rooted in their community.

    Until now this was sky-pie. The party machine beat the indie every vote. The web has changed that. Now an Independent can get their message across as well as web-Cameron or you tube Brown.

    Post election, ican2010 will support Indie MPs and – working with mysociety’s other projects – keep them accountable.

    Type of idea: A campaign or PR drive

  3. WeWorkTogether

    Describe your idea:

    Introduce volunteer citizen participation directly into the daily operation of elected politicians, on both national and local levels. Start with local councilors and: A) TASK TRACKER = simplified version of Request Tracker, or Basecamp, to track tasks that citizens ask councilors to work on and tasks that councilors work on otherwise; B) OPEN COMMITTEES – tool to have citizen discussing tasks/decisions and related documents that councilors work on in committees, with citizen ability to collectively comment on and edit documents. Couple of my local concilors are willing to start using it and i’ll work with them anyway. more here.

    What problem does it solve?:

    Problem of political representation, which is a broken way to conduct politics democratically. Since it doesn’t enable citizens to participate in it directly. This proposal would open the doors for the Internet Model, by introducing the concept of Open Process. With the tools for communication and cooperation we have available, our current political models are a problem in itself. They have been designed centuries ago and are quite inappropriate today. We can do far better. Example proposal of Open Process in academic publishing.

    Type of idea: A brand new project

  4. Quango Web

    Describe your idea:

    It’s a website that’s a kind of directory/map of quangos, and the like. The core idea is to show how all the various quangos relate to each other, government departments, local government, other bodies, etc. This could be presented diagrammatically as a kind of quango web. Information would be available about each quango (and related bodies), as in a detailed quango directory, along with information on the interrelationships between all these various bodies. The quango web would also be searchable in various ways, with tag clouds for example, so that people can find quangos relevant to their needs.

    What problem does it solve?:

    Quangos often seem remote, unreachable, unseen, and unaccountable. But they’re an important part of our state/society. Most of us know of only a very few, if any, quangos, and often without even knowing that that’s what they are. Most quangos are unknown, or barely known, to most of us, even if they do affect us in various ways. Even so, most of us have heard of them, are aware that there are many of them, that they’re publicly funded, and have public responsibilities. There is a democratic need to make quangos a lot more accessible, and that’s the problem this idea would seek to solve.

    Type of idea: A brand new project

  5. weworktogether

    Describe your idea:

    Introduce volunteer citizen participation directly into the daily operation of elected politicians, on both national and local levels. Start with local councilors and: A) TASK TRACKER = simplified version of Request Tracker, or Basecamp, to track tasks that citizens ask councilors to work on; B) OPEN COMMITTEES – tool to have discussions on tasks/decisions and related documents that councilors discuss in various committees, with citizen ability to collectively comment on and edit documents as well. Couple of my local concilors are willing to use this and i’ll work with them anyhow.

    What problem does it solve?:

    Problem of political representation, which is a broken way to conduct politics democratically. Since it doesn’t enable citizens to participate in it. This proposal would open the doors for the Internet Model, by introducing the concept of Open Process. Given the tools and open processes for communication and cooperation we have available today, our current political models are a problem in itself. They have been designed centuries ago and are quite inappropriate today. We can do far better, and direct volunteer participation through open processes seems a logical way to proceed. Open Process in academia proposal: http://hackthestate.org/open-process-academic-publishing/

    Type of idea: A brand new project

  6. Nuclear Morality Flowchart

    Describe your idea:

    Nuclearmorality.com (as featured in Peace News, July/August supplement) uses a decision flowchart to enable people to see for themselves their moral responsibility for nuclear weapons and to challenge governments to do the same. It’s inescapable logic. Next step is a popular decision process in all sectors of civil society. Crucial to this will be an on-line interactive format for anyone to work out and log their own solution, making possible a global scorecard of opinion. We expect a highly rational and hence powerful response from people here and around the world for whom it is unacceptable that a few rich countries should endanger the Earth for the sake of their own security.
    (See www.nuclearmorality.com/development/)

    What problem does it solve?:

    The objective is to change the nuclear mindset which endangers the whole world. There are still approximately 27,000 warheads extant and enough actually deployed to cause irrecoverable devastation. We see increased risks of proliferation and a frightening lack of awareness of the dangers. But right now, with negotiations underway for very cautious strategic arms reductions (START), we have ’senior’ politicians around the world (Kissinger et al) calling for nothing less than abolition. Now is the time for decisive intervention of public opinion to support this momentum towards a much safer world.

    Type of idea: New feature for an existing project

  7. Ask your neighbour

    Describe your idea:

    There are probably people from every nation living in the UK – this is a great unused resource of knowledge. Governments/ local authorities/ people around the world are facing similar problems and coming up with inventive solutions to them.

    Let’s establish a website were people are faced with a question/problem and then have the opportunity to explain how this is solved in their home countries/ towns. Ask a question per month, let users set up wiki-style pages where they can describe how this is solved in their home country/ town. Reward and share the best contributions at the end of the month. Example issues could be healthcare, public infrastructure, exchange, child and elderly care, …

    What problem does it solve?:

    * Ignorance about good political solutions around the world
    * Local governments only seeing the world through their eyes
    * Governments around the world re-inventing the wheel all the time
    * No way for good local solutions to spread

    Type of idea: A brand new project


    Describe your idea:

    Enables anyone to create their own treaty under various types – personal, local, national, international, bilateral, peace, social etc.

    It could be between two people, a community(s), nations, social classes, countries, businesses etc.

    I could create my own treaty between me and an indigeious tribe in the amazon. It would be an agreement in ways I could help them and they could help me.

    It would serve multiple purposes in the sense that it creates an agreement pact for all sides concerned coupled by action.

    In the past it has been used to end wars, build trade, release prisoners, create free trade areas etc.

    What problem does it solve?:

    The earliest known treaty was in 1283 BC between Ramses II and Hatusilli III after the battle of Kadesh.

    Current and future treaties include The Constitutive Treaty 2008 to establish Union of South American Nations and The Substantive Patent Law Treaty (pending).

    My idea will enable anyone, anywhere in the world to create agreements between one another, communities, nations and governments to bring about change and foster progress for all sides concerned.

    Type of idea: A brand new project

  9. The People’s Vote

    Describe your idea:

    Building on ‘MyParliament’, where the public can register their personal vote on bills / early day motions, to get a “people’s vote”.

    Make it more fun by letting you build a portfolio of proxies who can use your vote when you don’t use it yourself. Your fantasy government, made up of your friends or colleagues or celebrities – whoever you like on Health, Education, Culture etc.

    Integrate it with Twitter so you can assign your vote to anyone. After 1000 people have assigned their vote to Stephen Fry, for example, he may be inclined to check it out and vote on a bill with the power of 1000 votes. Get a couple of high-profile twitterers battling on a vote with lots of followers and it becomes a good PR story.

    What problem does it solve?:

    Provides a citeable survey of where the voters stand on each issue.

    Engages people with the parliamentary process, and gives them a direct channel to register their opinions on individual issues.

    Fun, while provoking interesting discussions if the People’s Vote is hugely different to the real vote….

    Type of idea: A brand new project

  10. Choosethebest.org

    Describe your idea:

    Faced with ever more choices, and even more varied views or opinions, decision-making is increasingly complex. It’s even harder to reach UNITY & COMMITMENT when more than one person is involved because no-one is formally trained in decision-making. Clearly society would benefit from a simple and easy to use methodology which helps us choose the best option

    Such an innovative methodology has been developed, tried and tested, and needs to be launched on the Internet FREE of charge as well as FREE of all Advertising, Subscriptions and Donations. And yet it will be highly lucrative. It should become the de facto standard for decision-making, for ANY decision involving ANY number of people

    What problem does it solve?:

    TRANSPARENCY & ACCOUNTABILITY – because the rationale of every decision is succinctly documented in a universally understandable way AND OPEN TO SCRUTINY.

    Plus enabling anyone to choose the best, e.g.

    VOTERS – party/candidate

    GOVERNMENT – policy


    FINANCIAL SERVICES – product/service

    CORPORATIONS/BOARDS – strategy, tactic, policy (governance)

    PROCUREMENT – Supplier(s)

    PHYSICIANS – medicine/course of treatment

    CONSUMERS – product/service

    PARENTS/TEACHERS – school, university, career for students etc

    Above all, co-deciders reach UNITY & COMMITMENT to the best option

    Type of idea: A brand new project