Operations Manager

Lizetta joined us in 2021 as a Delivery Manager Manager for the SocietyWorks side of the organisation, with a mission to help us ensure that every client gets a good, streamlined project delivery experience.

She brought with her more than a decade’s experience improving operational efficiency, primarily within central government.

Situated in the south east of the capital, Lizetta says, “When I’m not out and about exploring (aka getting lost in) the streets of London with my camera, I’m at home cross stitching.” And, because at the time of writing, lockdown is still preventing many public events, she adds, “I’m currently really missing getting to see live music.”

It sounds like music has long been a dominant theme in Lizetta’s life, as she also reveals that the topic of her university dissertation was the Spice Girls!

Lizetta is one of mySociety’s qualified Mental Health First Aiders, helping to support, reassure and signpost fellow colleagues to professional support.

Lizetta is fluent in: embroidery stitches