Whether or not you were lucky enough to attend TICTeC in person earlier this month, you can now experience it all over again.
Where there are videos and slides for a session, you can access them via the Schedule page. Just click on ‘see session detail’ to see which resources there are. Or discover all the videos via the TICTeC 24 YouTube playlist.
Note: Videos and slides are only available for sessions that were recorded, and where presenters gave consent to share.
Plus: browse through photos from the two days of TICTeC 24 on our Flickr page, here. All photos are available under a non-commercial Creative Commons licence, so please do share them where you like.
Don’t miss TICTeC 2025!
Work with us at TICTeC 2025: we’re open to suggestions from organisations who might like to partner with us to host TICTeC in your region; and we’re also always happy to talk to potential sponsors. Drop us a line if you’d like to discuss more.
Subscribe to updates: Be the first to know when we put out the call for papers, open bookings and announce the location for next year’s TICTeC — sign up here.
Thanks for your feedback
We love hearing what other people got out of TICTeC! Special thanks to those who have taken time to feed back on what those two days meant to them.
Here are just a couple of the comments we’ve received: follow us on Instagram to see more over the next few weeks.