Would you like to join TICTeC Action Lab #2, collaborating with others around the world to discuss this question, and to commission a solution to benefit everyone who uses civic tech?
As part of the TICTeC Labs programme, we recently convened a Civic Tech Surgery that brought together a group of around 100 civic tech practitioners and researchers from across the world to discuss common challenges in ensuring the tech we make is accessible, and the possible solutions.
You can find resources from this online event here, including minutes, a summary blog post, contributions from attendees, and the full recording.
Now the second part of the TICTeC Labs process kicks in, as we convene an Action Lab, a working group to decide on what to commission as a solution to the issues raised at the Civic Tech Surgery.
The aim is to provide a practical solution that will help organisations running civic tech projects to make their projects more accessible for everyone.
Some of the ideas that arose from the Surgery were: gathering and sharing existing guidance on accessibility best practice and sharing with community; creating policy templates for civic tech organisations; and compiling a database of for-hire or volunteer software developers with experience in making sites and tools accessible. There were many more ideas, and it’s up to Action Lab #2 members to decide which would be most useful — and practical to commission — using a dedicated $2,500 USD grant.
Apply now
Applications to join this Action Lab are now open, and we would like to invite those interested in being part of this project to apply. Your job will be to decide exactly which piece of work to commission with the available funding.
To be considered as part of the Action Lab, please fill in this form by the end of 4 March 2022. You can find further details here.