Two new FixMyStreet Pro councils

We’re delighted to welcome two new councils who are now using FixMyStreet Pro for their fault-reporting: Buckinghamshire and Bath & NE Somerset.

Residents in these areas can make reports on the councils’ own websites, where they’ll find FixMyStreet as the street fault interface — or through the main FixMyStreet website and app. Whichever you choose, your reports will be published in all three places.

So far, so convenient for residents — but behind the scenes, there’s lots more going on that improves the efficiency of the whole fault-fixing cycle.

Both councils are users of the Confirm CRM system, with which FixMyStreet Pro can now be fully integrated. What that means in practice is that when you make a report, it drops directly into the council’s existing workflows, with no need for someone in the middle to retype or redirect your report.

Council staff can use the best of both systems’ useful tools for shortlisting, inspecting and updating the status of your issues — and when a report has been progressed to the next stage of the fixing cycle, you’ll be automatically kept up to date both by email, and with messages posted directly to your report page.

In another advance, both councils are now displaying assets such as bins, trees and adopted highways in context-sensitive areas of the report-making journey, so it’s easy to identify exactly which one you’re talking about when you make your report. That saves time for you, and for the council when they go out to fix it .

If you’re interested in the technical details, we’ll have more about both Confirm integration and asset layers in future blog posts.

Image: Kosala Bandara (CC by/2.0)


  1. For some time I have been asking my council, London Borough of Sutton, to incorporate FixMyStreet into their MS Dynamics CRM, but insist it would not be viable.
    Please could you give details of costs for LBS?
    And have they ever contacted MySociety regarding this?

  2. Stephen B P Frankling

    Have you / anyone contacted West Berkshire, or West Oxfordshire yet in regard to fix my street, Buckinghamshire is lucky as it’s a single entity whereas Oxford is split into two, and Berkshire is East Berkshire and West Berkshire and of course Reading etc are local authorities in their own right, it sounds like you’re going to have an uphill journey with these types of counties.