You asked for it: new voting lines on TheyWorkForYou

We recently added an Environment section to voting pages on TheyWorkForYou, so now you can see exactly how your MP voted on issues like fracking, measures to prevent climate change, and green energy, all in one place, like this:

David Cameron's voting record on the environment

Votes on environmental issues are clearly a priority for our users. They’ve been one of the most-requested additions in the TheyWorkForYou postbag over the last couple of years, and we’re glad to have fulfilled those requests, even if it took a while.

At the same time, we’ve also made several other additions to existing sections on voting pages, so now you can check how your MP has voted in these areas:

  • Assisted dying
  • Trade union regulation
  • Taxation of banks
  • Enforcement of immigration rules
  • MPs’ veto over laws only affecting their part of the UK (AKA English votes for English laws)

To check your own MP’s voting record, head over to, and input your postcode on the homepage. Then click ‘voting record’ at the top of your MP’s page.

If you have strong opinions about how your MP voted on any issue, don’t forget, you can let them know by clicking on ‘Send a Message’, which will take you over to


Image: Paul (CC)