Our project Collideoscope, in partnership with Integrated Transport Planning Ltd, has been collecting data on cycling incidents and near misses since its launch last October.
We’ve recently secured a small amount of innovation funding from the DfT’s Transport – Technology Research and Innovation Grant and that means that we’re in a position to add new features and functionality to Collideoscope.
Your chance to guide Collideoscope’s development
We’d like to hear your suggestions for new features on Collideoscope—or perhaps you’ve spotted something that could work better.
Please send your suggestions to hello@collideosco.pe, or use the site’s contact form. We need them in by March 18th, so you have two weeks to gather your thoughts.
What Collideoscope already does
If you’re involved in a cycling collision or near miss—whether you’re the cyclist, a motorist or a pedestrian—you can report it on Collideoscope.
The site sends your report to the relevant local highways authority, and also publishes it online (where there’s the option to remain anonymous).
More than this, though, Collideoscope acts a repository for data on incidents and near misses. In time, anyone will be able to use that data to spot accident hotspots, and the places where accidents are waiting to happen.
This data is available to all, but is especially designed for councils, police forces, road planners, and healthcare providers in their efforts to conceive safer roads, more effective accident deterrents and better emergency care strategies.
And what we’re planning to do
We’ve already committed to a few developments. We’ll be:
- developing better reporting to local councils;
- working with the police to notify them of issues that might require their attention;
- releasing anonymised reports as open data within the next 12 months
…but we’re not planning on stopping there. Your ideas and opinions will guide further development and help us raise further funds for the site.
We thank you all in advance for your time!
Image: Justin Swan (CC)
Whilst driving I nearly pulled out in front of a cyclist in Manchester. Although dusk it was not that I couldn’t see him but with the flashing front light it is nigh-on impossible to gauge how far away (or near) the bike is. Ban flashing lights.
Furthermore some LED cycle lights are blinding on country roads – either introduce a maximum lumen output or introduce a law that they must be dipped.
To be fair most motorists are considerate but others just don’t care.
Get rid of the bollards in the middle of the road. They just create a trap for cyclists. Some motorists will try to get their car through just before the cyclist or with them!
I have had various incidents of people cutting me up or braking at the last minute. Scary stuff
Speed bumps are a nightmare on a bike as they are usually full of potholes. Going down a steep hill and navigating over or around a speed bump is dangerous
Hi everyone,
Just to clarify, we’re looking for suggestions for new features on the Collideoscope site, rather than suggestions for how cycling could be made safer. Thanks!
Are you able to work on getting data in from other sources than direct reports from the public on your site? Say CTC’s Road Justice reports?
Also it looks like you get data from STATS19, but I guess only what’s publicly released (annually, 6 months after year end) – might they release it to you earlier/on an as-logged basis?
Some de-duplication might be needed when pulling data in from multiple sources, of course. And possibly neither of these examples would need to be pushed on to local authorities or whatever as it’ll get to them via other channels – but still interesting on the maps.
We’re already talking to the CTC, Cyclestreets and the recent NearMiss.bike projects about sharing data between these projects.
We’re also looking to extend the period of time that Stats19 data appears on the site to account for the lag in publication (around 6 months as you mention)
Finally we’re going to be asking reporters whether they have reported or are aware of an incident being reported to the police which will be the easiest way for us to de-dupe.
A mobile app; so that as soon as I take a picture, I can share it on the app.
Also, when reporting, “The incident involved a bike and…?”
please add
which are very common