Mapumental just became self-service! Now you can order maps as images or data, right from the Mapumental website.
Mapumental creates maps that display transit time rather than distance. The results, showing time bands in an array of colours, are both useful and rather beautiful (see the example, right).
We’ve added new functionality so that you can download your maps direct – just go to www.mapumental.com and click the ‘try it’ button.
Once you’ve input a postcode and moved the slider bar to reflect the maximum travel time you want to display, you can go ahead and click on ‘order this map’, and choose parameters including direction of travel, zoom level, size and title.
Mapumental maps as data
Choosing the ‘data’ option will export your map as a 500m resolution GRASS ASCII raster, which can be imported directly into your preferred GIS software.
Mapumental maps as images
You may prefer to simply download the end product – a graphic image that you can save to your own hard drive and use in presentations or reports, on websites, or anywhere else you choose.
It’s as easy as that
Payment is via a credit system: the more credits you buy, the cheaper each map is.
We hope you’ll find the self-service Mapumental useful – we’d love to hear feedback about your experience using it, and how you utilise the resulting maps.
Don’t forget that we can also create bespoke maps with your own data – get in touch to find out more.
Not sure if I was just being blind, but I couldn’t see a rough guide to pricing anywhere in this post or on the site. On the off chance that there isn’t one and other people are as curious as I was, here’s the info to save them having to register etc:
You’re looking at having to pay £150 up front, and for that you can download 2 map images – so, £75 per map.
(If you want to buy hundreds of the things then you can get it down to a more reasonable £10/map. I guess the service isn’t really aimed at individuals.)