Next Wednesday 7th January we’ll be hosting an evening of talks, drinks and lively discussion in the beautiful city of Oxford.
As it’ll be exactly 4 months until the General Election, we thought we’d invite along speakers who are involved in projects which aim to help us better understand the election process and the outcomes.
We’re also really keen to hear about civic projects that you are involved in to help citizens better understand the General Election, so please do apply to present a lightning talk if you’d like to spread the word.
We are really pleased to be joined by the following guest speakers:
Tim Green: Tim will speak about Democracy Club’s latest projects ahead of the General Election, and how you can help.
Tim Green was one of the original key members of Democracy Club when it first started back in 2010, and has built websites such as YourNextMEP and YourNextPCC. He’s also been heavily involved in YourNextMP and ElectionLeaflets, which have both been revived ahead of May’s elections.
Tim will speak about how you can help these projects, and how building a database of electoral candidates can spark the creation of new, innovative civic websites and tools.
Dr. Jonathan Bright: Jonathan is a Research Fellow at the Oxford Internet Institute, and will talk about his current research.
Jonathan is a political scientist specialising in computational and ‘big data’ approaches to the social sciences.
His major interest concerns studying how people get information about the political process, and how this is changing in the internet era.
He’ll join us to speak about his current project which examines the extent to which information seeking behaviour on Google and Wikipedia can be used to predict electoral outcomes.
So, if you’re interested in finding out more about the cool online (and offline) projects and research people are doing ahead of the elections, then do come along and join us. There’ll even be a few nibbles to go around too (if you can fit anything else in after the festive indulgences, that is!).
We hope to see you there.
When: Wednesday 7th January 2015, 6pm – 9pm
Where: The Boiler Room at The Jam Factory, 27 Park End Street, Oxford OX1 1HU
How: Add your name to the Lanyrd page:, so we know you’re coming.
Who: Anyone who fancies it.
NB: Watch our Twitter stream on @mySociety to check for last minute advice if we have moved venues for unforseen reasons.
Photo by Jose Maria Cuellar (CC)