Thanks to everyone who came to see us, chat with us, or participate in the Bath Digital Festival – we had a great time.
Here’s a handy list of the speakers and projects we played host to. Whether you were there or not, follow the links to find a wealth of inspiration and ideas.
Ignite night
This fast-moving event saw 12 speakers, each speaking for five minutes, with a deck of 20 slides. The slides advanced automatically every 15 seconds, but if you’d like to linger a bit longer on any of the presentations, you can access them at your leisure, below.
Wear the Change You Want To See in the World
The History of the t-shirt and how it can be an agent for change. The t-shirt is part of one’s visual identity, and thus can be used to demonstrate your values and beliefs. How people like Katherine Hamnett and Vivienne Westwood are using t-shirts for good, and how Call of the Brave, my ethical t-shirt enterprise, aims to harness this power and change the world one t-shirt at a time.
Speaker: Dave Martin
Organisation: Call of the Brave
View Dave’s slides here.
Putting Creativity into Computing
The current methods of teaching digital literacy to young people (and adults) are failing – fewer people are choosing to study computing now than a decade ago, and substantially fewer women. We run our clubs differently, for example treating computing more like an arts subject, and making things people are already familiar with such as websites and mobile apps.
Speaker: Danielle Emma Vass
Organisation: Teach Programming
View Danielle’s slides here.
Digital For Good: Super Identity
Researchers at the University of Bath are creating a complex model for accurately identifying people online, and tackling the issues associated with unreliable and counterfeit identification, providing a faster and more efficient way of combating the problem. They call this method ‘Super Identity’.
Speaker: Lia Emanuel
Organisation: Create Lab, University of Bath
View Lia’s slides here.
Craneworks: Centre for Invention
Bath needs a space for art and design, conferences, learning and experimenting for people of all ages – and a great new cafe/bar and public space wouldn’t hurt. We intend to bring all those things together in one unique facility, right on the river and within walking distance of the centre of this wonderful world heritage city.
Speaker: Rhodri Samuel
Organisation: Craneworks
View Rhodri’s slides here.
Why I Love Open Data and You Should Too
What open data is, why it’s important, and some of the ways it can help change the way that we live, plus the work of the Open Data Institute and Bath’s own open data project: Bath: Hacked.
Speaker: Leigh Dodds
Organisation: Open Data Institute
View Leigh’s slides here.
How The NYC Climate March Reached 1 Billion Impressions
The TINT platform was instrumental in the NYC Climate March achieving 1 billion impressions – how the campaign team delivered ‘User Generated Content’ on a global scale.
Organisation: Tint
More information: On the Tint blog
View Stuart’s slides here.
LocalGovDigital: End of Level Boss of Digital by Default
If the whole of the public sector needs to become digital by default, then local government needs to be able to deploy and run digital services without hiring every maker in Western Europe. We need methods so simple that we can enable even the smallest public sector organisation (think parish council, board of governors at a primary school) to be able to run the very best in digital services, on bootstrapped start-up budgets.
Speaker: Dan Hilton
View Dan’s slides here.
Cuddly Science
Cuddly Science, through puppets, play, exploration and technology aims to show kids and adults the wonders of the STEMM subjects and hopefully inspire the future generation, instilling a ‘can do’ attitude and putting a lid on exclusion.
Speaker: Sarah Snell-Pym
View Sarah’s slides here.
Learning to code through contributing to Open Source
24 Pull Requests is an Open Source community project I started in 2012 as a way to encourage developers to contribute to Open Source software that they’ve used. Since then over 5,500 people have contributed over 7,000 patches to thousands of different projects, often from people just starting to learn to code.
Speaker: Andrew Nesbitt
Organisation: 24 Pull Requests
View Andrew’s slides here.
Do Good, Get Fit, Feel Amazing
The story of GoodGym, how we have set up in Bristol, how it works and where it’s going in the future.
Speaker: Chris Bennett
Organisation: GoodGym
View Chris’ slides here.
Wearable Tech: a help or a hindrance?
Wearable Tech promises a wealth of benefits: improving health, measuring your insulin levels or even sharing a memory with a blink of the eye. However, the small change from carrying a technology to wearing it brings a huge barrier to social acceptance, raises issues of privacy and security.
Speaker: Chris McKirgan
Organisation: Deep Blue Sky
View Chris’ slides here.
Can big business be good?
Business has had plenty to say about its ‘responsible intentions’. But in 2014 we reached a tipping point as a number of global brands shifted from story-telling to story-doing. Or in other words, from ‘marketing to consumers’ to ‘mattering to people’. Here are stories of brands making a meaningful difference – and how will help them do more.
Speaker: Nick Davies
View Nick’s slides here.
Bath Hacked
mySociety’s Ben helped judge the contestants in this weekend of civic hacking: the Grand Prize went to Jesse Stewart and Karolis Danilevicius for their project to simplify primary school admissions information.
You can see recaps of all the projects, and the winners in each category, on the Bath Hacked website.
mySociety’s services
We were delighted to play a part in the Bath Digital Festival and its topic of ‘digital for good’. Our involvement was made possible by funding from our own commercial services, so here is the obligatory soft-sell: If you need innovative, user-centric digital tools, look no further.