What is a mySociety pubmeet? Just an informal evening when we guarantee that a few of us will be in a pub, happy to chat about anything at all.
If you have questions about any of our projects, ideas for new ones, or want to find out more about volunteering, then you’ll be very welcome.
Where? This month, we’ll be in the Prince Arthur, near Euston Station. Google map here.
When? Wednesday, 22nd February. Feel free to drop by, any time from 7.30 pm to 10.30 pm. Maybe let us know that you’re coming, by email or tweet, so that if numbers start looking large, we can book a space.
We’re easy to spot – at least one of us will be wearing a mySociety hooded top, complete with luminous green logo, as seen at the top of this page.
Tell your friends The more the merrier! If you like your social media, you can use the #mySocial hashtag.
But I don’t live in London… We are planning on having pubmeets in other UK cities soon. Watch this space!
Think I will try to pop along and say hi tonight. I’m always interested in chatting about transport data (FixMyTransport) and also OpenStreetMap