Interview with Dusan Zelenik from

As a result of our work with we have been able to get in touch with few regional projects dedicated to government transparency. Today I would like to introduce you to, Slovakian parliament watchdog. To do so, I got in touch with Dusan Zelenik, who works on this project. Enjoy!

Sample MP profile

Sylwia: What are the main goals of your project?

Dusan: The main goal of is to provide simple, easy-to-understand presentation of happening in the slovak parliament. We want to bring information to regular people and help them to find out more about politicians, parties etc. We want to change the role of electors who are affected by press or election campaign to informed and responsible electors. At this site, you can see many statistics such as attendance, loyalty, participation in lawmaking, activity during discussions etc. We also provide a search engine which allows you to search in debates which were taken in parliament. We actually download data from the official site of slovak parliament and transform to make information more understandable, compact and visual.

Sylwia: How big is the team working on the project?

Dusan: There is no official team, because lot of people help just by discussing the project (like the PeWe group at However, the core team consist of 4 people and the major part was made by single person.

Sylwia: How is the public using your website?

Dusan: is mainly designed for electors and their need to find out more about politicians and their activities. However, also press is interested in aggregation we made, because it is often relevant in reports etc. We are glad that also chief of our parliament (Richard Sulik) finds this site very interesting. Maybe it is because alternative mechanism, which allows him to control parliament and happening there.

Sylwia: What are the major challenges of your project?

Dusan: Well, our challenge is to attract as many visitors/electors as it is possible. We want to change our country by helping electors to decide responsibly with some knowledge about parliament and politics.

Check out the project website here.