We have two updates from Sejmometr.pl. First of all, as a result of initial nudge to participate in a meeting with representatives of the Polish Ministry of Economy, Daniel and his team will be working closely with this particular part of Polish government.
“They are building a system for publishing and consulting legislation on a Government level. They want to use Parliament data in their project and because of an impossibility of receiving open data from the Sejm – they came to us! We will release Open Data interface soon and, according to what we’ve heard: Polish Government will be its user.”
Secondly, the team has implemented the voting data on the platform. Below you can see the comparison of two versions of the voting data (first the Sejmometr.pl one, second the original Sejm website).
Comparing to the original data view, Sejmometr.pl version is using few additional gadgets.
- “Interactive Chart – for presenting relative votes distribution
- Gauges – for presenting absolute voting data values
- Table – for presenting club and individual results”
But that is not everything, the list of additional options continues:
- “Additional visual data presentations (charts, gauges)
- Sejmometr calculates clubs voting results (as a whole entities)
- Sejmometr tracks rebels (deputies that voted against their clubs)
- Tables with club and individual results are sortable by any column.”
There is also a major improvement in the way the data in various formats is interlinked within Sejmometr structure:
“Voting (like any other legislative events) exists in Sejmometr’s database structure as a parts of legislative projects. That’s why for any voting we are able to precisely define concrete projects, documents and debates that were a subject of the voting. Official Sejm website seems to not have these data and for example their voting data pages don’t link to any documents that were voted. Sejmometr has these data and we will be implementing them this week (empty right side of Sejmometr’s voting data page will be filled by a legislation process browser, which will inform users which projects and in which version are being proceeding in the particular voting).”