I have posted about KohoVolit.eu this week already, but I think it is important to tell you a bit more about it. This time let me share an update from one of the project developers, Jaroslav Semancik on their current approach:
“We are designing the ER (entity-relation) model for the database now, which specifies entities needed to represent (MP, party, letter) and relations between them (MP may be a member of a party, letter is addressed to an MP, etc.). Attributes characterizing the entities in detail are also specified (eg. first name, last name, sex, etc. for MP and like). Those entities, relations and attributes then define database tables.
This model reflects only the facts, we really need for WTT application, not the full complexness of the reality. As such it depends on functionality and features of the application we are clarifying now as well. Currently we count with search of MPs based on geographical location and also on groups in parliaments (political groups, commitees, etc.). There are respective tables for MPs, their offices, groups, roles in groups, constituencies and places falling into them. There is also a table for letters sent to MPs that were marked public.
Some of the tables are going to be shared by other modules we are working on (MP profiles, votes tracking).
The model is sketched in a diagram depicting the tables and relations between them. Attributes (columns of the tables) are specified directly in SQL scripts for tables creation.”
Thank you, Jaroslav!