KohoVolit.eu in second phase


Originally, in its first phase KohoVolit.eu was founded to provide Czech and Slovak citizens with voting advice application (You can find more information about this part of the project on Technology for Transparency website here). According to the project representative, Veronia Sumova, it was recently successfully used during the elections in Slovakia:

– “11 500 finished VAA tests by Slovak citizens (above-average, even though not excellent rate)
– succeeded to cotact local NGOs and active people in 8 cities/towns in Slovakia and develop the tool in cooperation with them. The guys from our team additionally developed two VAA [ed: voting advice application] that used real votes from the actual period and three interactive analysis of city/town MPs voting behaviour.
– succeeded in promoting the tool in the media – got space in both nation-wide and regional media.”

Now however the challenge is to extend the project functionality to the time between elections and provide citizens with on-going parliament monitoring services – which is exactly why MySociety stepped in by supporting this new phase of the project. Currently, as the first step  the team is actively working on the local clone of Write To Them. You might have noticed, that the Lithuanian project I mentioned last week has a similar point on their agenda, which means that we will work towards very interesting and hopefully fruitful international collaboration. We will hear about it more soon, and continue sharing our learnings with you. In the meantime let me also mention another task for the Czech region – end year evaluation of MP’s. I am sure we will have more details on that too!