What problem are you solving?:
Thus will bring public discussions and help in public participation in an open networked civil web project (political facebook, for expl!), which will become a monitoring and mirroring tool for politicians and thus provoke them to work more responsible and more on demand of citizens.
Describe your idea:
The idea is to make a live feed interactive website with public politician profiles. They will consist of the program of each political party, their representatives, number of membership and their engagement in public companies, their duties and their incomes …
The data are both generated by politicians themselves (on public demand of a citizen or of an civil organization) and by citizens.
Data will be registered to a specified sphere of common interest> health policies, culture, employment, infrastructures, low, education, tax policies … Users will be able to comment without restrictions which is common in online magazines nowadays in Serbia. They will be able to demand changes in the important civil society related questions>
What country will this operate in?: Serbia
Who are you?:
I am a fine artist who explored relational aesthetics, alternative economy project based on public participation, and the art critics of the art system as a reflection of the state instrument. My work is a post conceptual art activism which relays on social, media and ideology critics.
I am a leader of a small NGO “Smarti/-e Society” which deals with the fine arts and applied arts educational programs for youth, students and young artists. I organize gallery programs for young and emerging artists, art activists, helping them to become professionals and self sustainable.