What problem are you solving?:
In November 2009, Rural Development Agency – Center (ADR-CENTRU) initiated a cycle of seminars dedicated to Participatory Planning altogether with Mayoralties and Official representatives of Orhei District. As a result, was identified and prioritized about 60 main problems (http://adr-centru.md/programmes). The problems that negatively influence the development of communities and region in general where prioritized as follows: Lack of communication abilities between LPA and citizens, businesses and other actors; lack of informational instruments; Lack of citizens participation in solving of community problems; bad cooperation between Public Services; bad cooperation between Mayoralties, District Administration and Regional Government sub-structures; lack of efficient documents management; lack of inadequate knowledge regarding public services, limited access to public services, geographical factor negatively influence access to public services.
Describe your idea:
The main idea of this proposal is to establish a common regional information system in area of Good Governance with participation of Civil society, LPA, Government sub-structures and citizens.
The main idea is to provide
1.Workshops with LPA and Governmental sub-structures to identify their needs
2.Creation of the regional informational system consists from 3 components: 1st-internal document management between Mayoralties, Governmental sub-structures, District Administration; the 2nd-Transparency and Information component: for using by citizens and to increase their public participation; and 3rd-the Public Services component: access to PS through internet will increase the efficiency of this system
3.A capacity building program for representatives of LPA, Governmental sub-structures in the region
4.A dissemination national campaign on Good Governance through Transparency and Information, based on the main findings of the project
What country will this operate in?: Moldova
Who are you?:
The mission of Rural Development Agency – Center is to contribute to diminishing the existing socio-economic disparities in the region. In accordance with the national and regional development policies RDA, drafts and promotes strategies, attracts resources, identifies and implements funding programs, provides services for stimulating sustainable economic growth, fosters partnerships and entrepreneurship.
For more information about our activities please visit our web page