What problem are you solving?:

Number of freedom of information requests in Kosovo is quite low, and even lower is the level of requests being answered. Emulating, our website will enable an easy way to request official information with the aim of increasing the number of such requests. Our second aim is to highlight those institutions that are failing to respond to such requests.

Describe your idea: will guide interested citizens to the right official and help her write a successful information request in the two official languages of Kosovo, Albanian and Serbian. The website will be highly autonomous and will be complemented by a simple forum to be staffed by volunteers in order to answer any questions not already addressed. All requests will also have commenting open to the general public. The partners will tweak the website/content in response to comments being made after the website is launched. We will also pay attention to search engine optimization and promotion to the general public.

What country will this operate in?: Kosovo

Who are you?:

The project will be realized by two organizations: FLOSS Kosova, which will handle the technical work and GAP Institute, which will build the content and promote the website.

FLOSS Kosova is a young non-governmental non-profit organization established to promote free and open source software, knowledge, culture and technical standards. It’s main activity is an annual international Software Freedom Conference.

The Institute for Advanced Studies GAP is a Kosovo Think Tank. A priority of the Institute is to mobilize professionals to address the country’s pressing economic, political and social challenges. GAP’s main objectives are to bridge the gap between government and people, and to bridge the gap between problems and solutions.