No excuses

What problem are you solving?:

Awareness raising and advocacy platform for people to better understand the challenges of the policy development and its expected good outcomes in the field of pensions, employment, social security, social protection, health and security, social inclusion, family, migrants etc., using two approaches:
-the good governance based approach, and
-the Human Rights based approach, particularly the 3rd generation of Human Rights – group and solidarity rights
“No excuses” is trying to increase the participation of citizens and Civil Society Organizations in monitoring policies and programs of “Ministerul Muncii, Familiei si Protectiei Sociale” (Ministry of Labor, Family and Social Protection) in Romania. There are ‘No excuses’ for:
– having the law and not applying it,
– not allocating the budget to develop the policy,
– not assess the social program evaluability, and
– mismanagement (misconduct and negligence) in implementing the policy

Describe your idea:

Our experience has taught us that making a difference requires time, unwavering commitment, collaboration, risk-taking and innovation.
“No excuses”:
-is going to promote the initiatives of NGOs and/or of informal groups of citizens in the policy development in the above mentioned fields, thus both motivating them to engagement in advocacy and lobbying campaigns and helping them to build and consolidate their base of constituency,
-is getting people – both men and women – involved in the public debate on policy development & change in the above mentioned fields,
-is inviting policy champions to promote the policy,
-is creating of bridging mechanisms like “ad hoc task forces”, by example, and
-is providing the users with necessary information on the performance of the Ministry of Labor, Family and Social Protection in policy development, knowledge and contacts

What country will this operate in?: Romania

Who are you?:

To promote equal opportunities and treatment for women and men.
To raise women’s standing and visibility in their professions and communities, so they may contribute to the greatest possible extent to the economic, social and political transformations in Romania and throughout the world.

Main field of activity
Civic and policy impact
-Public policies and good governance
Secondary field of activity:
Education and research
-Access to employment for vulnerable people

Main intervention areas / programmes:
1. Watch Dog – Good governance (including anti corruption strategies)
2. Resource Center for Gender Equality
3. Vocational Education and Training (VET)
4. Consultancy and technical assistance
5. Design and evaluation of Social Programs
6. Networking for Development (including advocacy and lobby)