What problem are you solving?:
In spite of democracy was introduced in Poland 20 years ago, there is lack of civil society that could testify quality of this democracy.
There are rules of a democratic country but very weak connection between effects of decisions and responsibility for these decisions made by officials can be observed.
Neither media, nor elections are sufficient to secure from irresponsible decisions.
It happened many times that only the EU law limited lawlessness of public institutions when socially harmful decisions were made. However, EU mechanisms often are not applied locally.
Describe your idea:
Create portal using wiki engine with forms to enable sending opinions by local inhabitants to their regional authorites.
In local law of Poland it is possible to comment on what officials do. The mechanism is rarely used because these opinions do not help to create personal consequences.
Thanks to [built -in] option of history editing and save documents it is possible – to speed up decision making process and to enable finding officials in charge.
By using wikipedia mechanism one can easily edit issues important for individuals. Moreover, when the first issue is introduced, next person interested finds it easily, having a form ready to send to an office, newspaper or friends.
– Support civil society development and improve transparency of decision-making process.
– Development of office responsibility for decisions that it makes.
– Increase of civil consciousness.
What country will this operate in?: Poland
Who are you?:
Fundacja Piaskowy Smok/Piaskowy Smok Foundation.
Cerated in 2009. It is focused on public issues, ecology and culture.