What problem are you solving?:
• Lack of communication between citizens and local government
• Low transparency in the work of local government
Describe your idea:
Interactive web site that would serve as an intermediary in communication between citizens and their local authorities. Citizens would pose their questions for the local government officials on the site. These questions will be automatically forwarded to e-mail addresses of these officials. Replies from the officials would be automatically displayed on the site. Questions and answers would be public for everyone to see. White and black ranking lists would be formed.
For example, the white list would consist of:
• The names of the officials with the biggest number of questions answered, etc.
The black list would be consisted of:
• The names of officials, who responded to the smallest number of questions.
The society would gain:
• A unique tool (site) where the public can ask questions to the local officials,
• Local officials will be motivated for a greater communication with the citizens because of pressure of public opinion and transparency of the ranking lists, etc.
What country will this operate in?: Serbia
Who are you?:
Ivan Stankovic
Date of birth 03-28-1980
Work experience
06-25-2007–to present, Accordia Group LLC New York, branch office in Niš
System Engineer, Project leader,
Manage the development of a five-member team; Oversee the administration and maintenance of the company’s ICT infrastructure; Plan and schedule project deliverables, goals, milestones;
Education and training
2008 – to present, PhD student
Information Technologies, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, University of Niš, Serbia
1998 – 2006
MSc in Electronic Engineering, field of telecommunication
Faculty of Electronic Engineering, University of Niš, Serbia