Internet portal “Our Politicians”

What problem are you solving?:

a) Lack of independent and reliable sources of information about political, professional and business career/activities of Czech politicians and their advisors that would be involved under one “roof” of free accessible non-profit informational internet portal.

b) Non transparent political environment in the Czech Republic which is often burdened by incorrect lobbying, clientelism and corruption.

c) Making of new informational quality via linking many various freely accessible information that are normally “atomized” .

d) Need of independent information portal that would be functioning like internet – interactive guidepost into Czech politics.

e) Reliable independent information in English about Czech politicians for foreigners and compatriots who are living abroad – especially information about Government members, President, leaders of political parties, fraction leaders in Czech Parliament and other “key players” in Czech politics.

Describe your idea:

Among the main goals of this project belongs pursuit of activities and development of a qualitatively new informational internet portal, the aim of which is mainly functioning and activity of Czech politicians who are (elected) members of key executive and legislative institutions in the Czech Republic and EU – Czech Parliament – both chambers, Government, President, Czech regional authorities and municipal governments; European Parliament and Czech EU Commissioner.

We plan to focus on making of new system of functionality in search connections among politicians, private firms, state enterprises, NGO and other organizations and institutions in which is/was politician engaged.

We will realise a translation of the profiles and structured CVs of key Czech politicians into English.

What country will this operate in?: Czech Republic

Who are you?:

The civic association “Our Politicians” is voluntary, independent and non-profit. The aim of the civic association “Our Politicians” is to create an independent informational source which would provide the public with unbiased relevant information on people who participate in the politics of the Czech Republic. This basic aim is realised by foundation and operation of the internet portal
We closely cooperate with: civic association “”, analytic server and a number of prominent Czech politologists.
We have gained International Standard Serial Number (ISSN 1804-123X) which identifies periodical publications. Our internet portal is also included in the project of The National Library of the Czech Republic called “WebArchiv”.
The project management is ensured by PhDr. Jiří Fiala, M.A. – Vice-Chairman of Our politicians, civic association.