
What problem are you solving?:

Macedonia is characterized with very poor road infrastructure, sanitation and water supply system. Besides that, inadequate maintenance of the existing infrastructure is another problem. Another point what we want to stress is that the Government of Macedonia is decreasing the amount of resources in the State Budget for this issues, which automatically means that the LGU are having lower budgets. Next one is that most of the reappearing and building of new water supply system, sanitation and asphalted streets and roads is done during the periods of elections for the Central and Local Government. In order to gain more votes, political party who is on position, for a short period of time without respecting the priorities, strategies, plans are overspending most of the resources planned for this purposes. Municipalities’ public administration is evaluated as inefficient, incompetent etc. Because of that improvements in the infrastructure are happening very slowly.

Describe your idea:

We will create a free web portal that will serve the citizens quickly and easily to solve their daily problems with the municipal authorities and institutions. Citizens will be able to write a description, address, municipality and to attach a photo. The service will have its own separate central database where will gather all the information’s about the problems of citizens and also tracking their status, from where will be made different analysis. Every citizen will be able to monitor the status of settlement and he can evaluate the resolution of the problem. When the problem is reported by the citizen it will be followed to the relevant institution by email. The citizen will be notified by email when some of the authorities will write respond about the problem and also he can discuss about the problem with others. The portal will contribute to better communication between the authorities and citizens and building closer ties with the public administration.

What country will this operate in?: Macedonia

Who are you?:

We are two young people who want to make Macedonia a better place for living.
Hristijan Risteski graduate at 2008 on International economy and business. He had 3 years working experience in Civil Society Organizations. Managing international teams and projects, strategic planning, grant writing and fundraising, delivering skills trainings and career advising sessions, facilitating seminars and workshops, developing and analyzing community needs surveys, broadening human resources and communications methods, performance appraisals, sales and legal representative.
Darko Todoroski is Engineer in information technologies. He had 7 years working experience of programming, designing and maintenance web pages. He participated in the implementation of many non government and government projects related with the internet. He had experience of designing a lot of databases and implementing a lot of web portals.