tutoring online

What problem are you solving?:

In albania does not exist a “tutoring online ” where all students should ask their questions or learn from the tutoring online.this is a big problem because the students in universities (public or privates) does not learn,research and share experiences with each other in real time .This problem really influences on the quality of the studies in Albanian universities.The univesities in albania are not understanding the real power of the online technology and they are not working in developing it as an important tool to comunicate with the others.

Describe your idea:

The idea is to buid a online center where the students will find profesors online to help them and to answer their questions using open source tech.then after a while the students will have a database where they can search for the answers they need.This way we have a system that evolves every day and the students and everyone who wants knowledge will search there for it.This project will help the process of learning and researching in our universities with the fleksibility of the online technology.

What country will this operate in?: Albania

Who are you?:

We are a group of ex-students(now we are grown up and we work) that still are thinking to improve the univesitary system in albania with the help of tech. Personaly I work as IT administrator. 2 of us are young profesors in universities . another is a lawyer.2 others are still students for masters degree.we think that knowledge is the best material to build and to evolve in our world.