What problem are you solving?:
All the existing web-site for on-line petitions are not fully suitable for russian speaking space, and those exiting in Russian and other cyrrillic languages are organized in a way – that you can submit any kind of petition (sometimes not very effective and thought of), afterwards such web-sites are full with bad petitions. For example, petitions to presidents on any type of problem.
Besides, the general level of civic activism is very low in these countries, so we would like to higher it through the petition in action project.
Describe your idea:
so we would like to develop the interactive petitions project which will be accessible in different languages with pre-selection and consultation of petition-makers, building a community of civil activists and building a full system of creation, submission, sending the petition and getting the answer.
In many ways, our idea is very similar to one of your web-sites in Number10 e-petitions.
We want to make people aware and responsible of what they do and help them to develop a good petitionthat can really be halpful in advocacy, and also with consulting them on how to use other advocacy instruments instead od starting an immediate petition on any case.
We develop it together with IT company from Ukraine. and would like to get your advice and consultations and also technical assistance in implementing this project. The web-functional itself is alost ready, so we are about to launch it wuite soon.
What country will this operate in?: Ukraine
Who are you?:
Youth Human Rights Movement – is the larget youth activists community in Europe.
We are:
Human rights University, Laboratiry for social changes, community of activists for mutual help, suppoirt and solidarity.