What problem are you solving?:
The grant system to cultural institutions gives out some 20mil. euros per year. Ministry has a web with all the applicants and winners and projects yet it not user-friendly. One cannot search how much XY won in the last Z years, you cannot search by the sum or region of the project. You also cannot see the results of what the grants achieved. This, by the way, is a problem with many other grant schemes that are run by other ministries in Slovakia.
Describe your idea:
Create a portal that would make search in grants easy and enable user make statitical comparisons easily, using disaggregated public information already available. Also, crowdsource the culture output evaluation after the grant was used, link to books or art or exhibition sites if available, but most importantly, create a discussion platform to each – enable a debate on what the governemt should really sponsor in culture and what not. Again, the same format could be used in other grant schemes.
What country will this operate in?: Slovakia
Who are you?:
TI Slovakia is a branch of worldwide anti-corruption watchdog, G.S. is its director