What problem are you solving?:
Warsaw is a big city. Every day there are many traffic jams (every morning and afternoon/evening ). It takes a lot of time to get from the suburbs to the city center (and vice versa in the evening ) . But in 80% of cases there is only 1 person per car!
Describe your idea:
It will be mini social networking site, which would allow people to find the partners for carpooling.
It will allow to find through the site, other people who live in the neighbourhood and who have to go to work like we. This site and this project would also affect the integration of local community:
In Warsaw people living on the suburbs often even don’t know their neighbours!
What country will this operate in?: Poland
Who are you?:
I’m a student of social sciences.
I just have this idea.
I have no skills and no experience
in creating websites.
I’m looking for the partner (team? ) to this project, but actually I’m alone.
Anyway I have the vision and the POWER to do this project!!!