What problem are you solving?:
My-Change is a knowledge and communication platform, which gives committed people the opportunity for directly and quick experience and knowledge transfer. My-Change and its country networks motivate to engagement and provide the users with necessary knowledge and contacts.
The aim is to create a pan-European network and an engagement-wiki of civil commitment which connect the content of the country sub networks (e. g. www.my-change.eu/croatia) and allocate it to the main Anglophone network, My-Change. The European citizens should get the opportunity to share their practical knowledge with each other and to learn from each other.
(This concept is the intellectual property of the foundation Bürgermut. The concepts and ideas must be concerned secretly. Forwarding to third persons is not allowed without an explicit authorization of the initiator.)
Describe your idea:
The transfer of society innovations assumes a fast, direct and encyclopedic transfer of knowledge and experience. The processes of transfer can be organized locally with just one instrument: the documentation of civic successful concepts together with possibility for communication between the players.Such system does not exist until now. Someone who is searching for an innovative and successful solution for a social challenge in his surrounding has to do long research and has no comfortable communication possibilities. On www.my-change.eu committed citizens can find helpful suggestions, concrete descriptions of existent solutions, advises against possible problems, advices to related projects and the possibility to contact other active persons who can answer concrete questions. These active citizens can exchange online the latest changes and develop consequently their state of knowledge. (This concept is the intellectual property of the foundation Bürgermut.)
What country will this operate in?: Croatia
Who are you?:
The foundation “Bürgermut” (www.buergermut.de) was found in 2007 by the entrepreneur and longtime Finance and Economic Minister of the State of Berlin, Elmar Pieroth. He wanted to advance both courage and energy. The ambition of the founder: Someone who wants to work creatively and effectively on her/his surroundings should find the right ideas and experiences, qualified information and communication possibilities seven days a week, 24 hours a day.
Can you give a practical example of the kind of solution or exchange that might be had on this website?