
What problem are you solving?:

Citizen political activity is in decline since the regime change, as well as the quality of public infrastructure.

Todomap is trying to get people involved in public business again in a constructive way.

Describe your idea:

Todomap has it’s inspiration from, but rather than getting most of things done by a central government, it is trying to focus on supporting and encouraging self-organization of citizens, while also giving good overview for the government about what citizens declare as high priority.

In todomap users will be able to

  • submit issues to the database and rank issues submitted by others
  • find registered issues based on location and other search criteria
  • submit project plans and ask for support
  • keep track of the events in their area using RSS feeds, e-mail notifications, IM protocols
  • No central administration, content will be ranked by user votes only

Todomap is in early state of development and the source code is available at

What country will this operate in?: Hungary

Who are you?:

I am a citizen of Hungary and Europe with experience in software development.