The Romanian Parliament for Everyone

What problem are you solving?:

Although the adoption, in March 2008, of the electoral system based on the uninominal vote should have brought a change in the way the MPs relate to their constituency, this failed to happen. The electoral campaign in November 2008 proved the fact that new candidates are not yet prepared to communicate directly with their constituency.
The level of trust Romanian citizens have in the Parliament, the main legislative institution, dropped over the years to a critical level.
Through the present project E-Civis intends to promote the activity that takes places in the Parliament and the actions of those MPs that are actually fulfilling their responsibilities.

Describe your idea:

On the E-Civis web page, which will be built during the next months, there will be one section called The Romanian Parliament for Everyone, which will contain the following sub-sections:
The sub-section The Legislative Process for Everyone will include general information about the legislative process in the Romanian Parliament. This sub-section will also include, every two weeks, an analysis of a law proposal that is being debated by the Romanian Parliament.
The goal of this sub-section is to translate in a easy – t o – understand format the complicated and abstract law proposals in the Romanian Parliament and to start a practical debate upon them, outside the Romanian Parliament.
The sub-section What are our MPs up to? will include information about the activity of the members of the Romanian Parliament, especially in their constituency.

What country will this operate in?: Romania

Who are you?:

E-Civis is an organization founded in June 2009 by the former Executive Director of Asociatia Pro Democratia, the largest and well known NGO in Romania.
The mission of the association E-Civis is to promote democratic values on a national and international level, mostly through the Internet.
The first program, since the foundation of the organization was Freemoldova, a communicational platform meant to promote the severe human rights violations that take place in the Republic of Moldova. The web site is available in three languages, Romanian, English and Russian and the web site is redirecting visitors on the English version of These tools and the blogs that are also available on this subject are meant to raise awareness about what is happening in the Republic of Moldova and to stimulate citizens and authorities to take a stand against this situation.