Describe your idea:
This would be a website that assists people in making complaints about public bodies and possibly banks and utility companies. Like WhatDoTheyKnow in some ways, it will provide advice to complainants on making the complaint – possibly through templates – and maintain a log of complaints made to each authority, including resolutions, rejections and those still outstanding.
What problem does it solve?:
At the moment a lot of this information is hidden within internal process and the ability to monitor satisfaction and effectiveness is left to the authority that the complaint is being made against.
This will helps citizens make effective complaints to public authorities and externally monitor the process. Provides an external reporting mechanism on numbers of complaints each authority receives and their effectiveness and efficiency in dealing with them.
Type of idea: A brand new project
interesting idea – often banks and utility companies insist on customer reference/account numbers being supplied and they include these in correspondence back. This could be a practical problem – any solutions?
A solution could be a variation on this idea. Have a site that contains:
a/ facts about how to make complaints with all official practical details,
b/ stories of those who have complained and are happy sharing their experience and possibly tips, and
c/ statistical data (that could be obtained via FoI requests for public bodies) that would give an indication of the chances of success of complaints.
br -d
Here’s a proposal I wrote a while ago on a similar idea… [dead link removed Nov 2014]