Wow! The video timestamping site on TheyWorkForYou has been live for just under ten days, but you’ve already managed to timestamp almost 14,000 clips – that’s almost 40% of our entire video archive!
Thank you for all the good work – and especially to our top timestampers. David Jones, Alex Hazell and Lee Maguire are currently the top three in the overall rankings, but there are five more people who have timestamped more than 500 clips, another seventeen people who have done 100 clips or more, and more than 100 people who’ve done anything from 1 to 100 clips. And of course, there’s also a fair few anonymous people who haven’t yet registered, so their individual contributions to the “anonymous” total of 3349 clips are not recorded on the league tables. Remember, we’ll be handing out prizes to the top timestampers, so get registered before you timestamp your next video!
We’re starting to collect a list of notable clips that we can use to compile a “best of parliament” video gallery – if you would like to nominate a particular speech, please leave a comment below or send an email to – just tell us the name of the MP speaking, and the URL of the page where this speech appears on We’ll put the best of them together and publish a list later this summer.